Phew! Wow, what a European tour we had. Thanks to everyone who put us on, put us up, fed us, drank with us and generally put up with us. The highlights are too numerous to mention, but suffice to say that we made a lot of new friends and loved catching up with some old ones too. The photo above is of us in a fridge in Bosch Bar, Zurich, trying to cool down after a riotous party at 1am on a Monday night. Those crazy, crazy Swiss.
You can find more photos courtesy of our wonderful roadie, driver, spiritual advisor and Thing One, subsequently rechristened as THE ROAD, Jim Alexander - here and here.
So what now? Well, our new 12" will be in record shops from Monday, or you can buy it from here NOW. And we're playing some shows this summer - check out our SHOWS page! Isn't that enough?
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